Sweating is a natural procedurevia which the body throws away toxins and dangerous chemicals as well as controls our body temperature. It is a vital procedure for the complete functioning of the human body. However, if an individual has excessive perspiration even during icy wintertime days, this might be because of an issue call hyperhidrosis. This condition might necessitate appropriate excessive sweating treatment. This type of sweating can transpire in the face, feet, hands, body, head and armpits. At Mukhija Skin & Laser Clinic, we offer much effective excessive sweating treatment in Gorakhpur via a process called Iontophoresis.
Treatment Process
Iontophoresis is a procedure of transdermal drug delivery with the aid of voltage gradient on the skin. Molecules are conveyed across the stratum corneum by electrophoresis and electroosmosis and the electric field can also upsurge the penetrability of the skin.In iontophoresis, a medical device conveys mild electrical currents while your affected body portion is immersed in water. The currents are often conveyed to the hands, feet or armpits to block your perspiration glands provisionally. Some individuals feel a minortickling sensation during the process, but the electrical current isn’t robust enough to jolt you. Iontophoresis is principally used to treat hyperhidrosis syndrome, a condition that leads to stubborn and unwarranted sweating. Maximum iontophoresis sittings for hyperhidrosis last for about 25 to 45 minutes. However, you might need more than one sitting to feel a change in your symptoms.
Get rid of the embarrassing situation via excessive sweating treatment in Gorakhpur at our clinic!